Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a great Christmas! here are a few quick snap shots of our Christmas. I didn't get many we were having to much fun!! We got to spend some good quality time together! It was needed. We also got to catch up with a few friends we haven't seen in awhile. Elise and I got together and let the kids play, well kinda. It was great to spend some time with them!! We also got to talk to a few other friends we got to talk to Amy Flanders and Paul. I love to catch up with those that I dont get to see very often!!! All of my siblings were able to be there for christmas this year. It has been awhile and it was great to hang out and play games with everyone!!!
Abby and Mason racing marbles.

Playing with rocky the robot. Mason loves it!! He also got a big bean bag chair from my mom, a little piano, and a buz lightyear toy and blanket. He is my big boy growing up to fast!!!!

Concentrating very hard you cant see it very well but it is defiantly a logan look :-)

I hope you all had a great christmas and have a wonderful new year!!Im really excited to start a new year and make some new goals to really work on!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A little update

Mason had been fully potty trained now for almost a month!! YA YA YA He is learning so many new words and taking in mostly full sentences. He is my helper, he loves to help me cook and clean. He has taken it upon his self that his chore is moping the floor. He loves to help me vacuum! He is going to make such a good brother some day. No we arn't pregnant but hopefuly some day soon(we have been trying for a year now) Sorry not that you all want to know that Im just getting a little discouraged. I am loving being back in school!! I'm only going half time but i really love it!! Logan is working hard a usual but he is really doing well, and they love him over here! We are still really liking pinedale. Its a great little town. Next week we will be going to Salt lake for sandies 3rd surgery this year. Wayne just had his second so we are going down to help out and be there. My mom is going to help me by keeping mason for a few days because they don't allow kids in the hospital. I really appreciate her so much she does a lot for us!!! I know she is a little sad because we move farther away but she is great and I want her to know how thankful we are to her!! If I dont post again until after chrismas I hope you all have an amazing holiday!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tick or Treat

I know im a little late getting the pics of Halloween up but it is. We had lots of fun. We went to bear lake and surprised the grandparents! Mason was a monkey as you can see and he loved it!
A fun story. I was folding laundry and mason turned the basket upside down and climbed on top. He stared me down and cleared his throat several times and said "My name buzz, to infinity and beyond!" As he threw his arm in the air and jumped to me. It gave me some much needed laughter! We are really boring(if you can be a parent of a 2year old and be boring) but I am going to start school on the 12th. Im supper excited!! It will be all online. And i am going after my Bachelors in photography. I cant wait to get going! Logan is doing well he is working hard like always. They got a new contract hauling sand but he doesnt have enough drives so he is back behind the wheel and making it work. Im so proud of him!! He had worked so hard and is doing very so well in his new position!! Well that is all for now.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

We finally go internet

It has been a crazy month!! We got moved to pinedale. Logan is doing amazing at his new position! Mason is growing up so fast!! He went potty by himself for the first time today! YA YA He has done very very good with the potty training thing. I love our new house we are renting again but that is fine with us because we get to be together! Mason is loving having dad around more!! Pinedale is small town but it is beautiful!! Here are some pics from the last several months.

So ya frogs we have caught about 10 frogs in the house since we moved in. We are not really sure how they are getting in but it has been kind of fun. Mason loves to catch them and bring them to me.

Mason helping me bake. He loves to like the betters!
These are the pics from boise mason loved to swim with dad and cousin Dawn.

Well that is about it. I am considering going back to school it would be online. I have been thinking about it for quite a while now. So we will see.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What a week

Well we are all a year older. logan and i had great birthdays and on the 3rd of september we will celebrate our 4th anniversary. I cant belive how time flies! We went to boise this last weekend i will have to get pics up a little later. Logans grandma turned 80 so we went up for the party. Logan had a bad cold which has passed to mason and i. While we were gone we set the 12 of september for our move date. It is a little faster than we were thinking but its okay, im not sure how i will get it all done but i will some how!! So this might be a little tmi but monday we were trying to enjoy logans last day off and it was just before noon and i thought that i felt like i was getting a uti which is unusual, i have only had one before and that was in december. But i figured i would wait until tues morning and go to the doctor if i needed. well by about 6:30 i was in a lot of pain and in short there was a lot of blood. so we ran to the urgent care so logan could watch mason before he left. i went in and gave a sample when the doctor came in she couldnt believe that it had come in one day and gave me some super strong antibiotics. I know its sad when that is the most exciting thing going on in our week but ya know. :-)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My baby is two!!

Well his birthday is almost over and he is sound asleep. I was watching him play today and thought back to the summer when he was born. He is very much my miracle boy! You have probably have heard the story i know it got a round but at least for journal purposes I want to write it down. I will try to keep it in the short version. Logan and I had tryed for a year to get pregnant so we were overjoyed to find out that we were expecting. I was due on October 6 2007. We joked that if he came ontime that it would space out our birthdays and anniversary at least a little(our birthdays are aug 25,and26 and anniversary sept 3) I was very very sick the first couple of months I would get up about 5 to go to work and in the first three hours of work i would throw up 10 to 15 times. not really pleasant but it was the first pregnancy and so i thought it was normal. I was just feeling a little better and i was about 20 weeks(may) and i got extremely ill. i spent most of the night throwing up and i got couple hours of dose time. logan and i got up at the same time to go to work and i was always the first there so i had no one to call in sick to. The first time i held him about 3 days old
I put on my clothing and headed to work, every bump hurt sooo bad i couldnt even walk standing strait up. I tryed to work and only lasted about 1 and 1/2 hours when my boss got there and let me go home. ended up at the hospital i called logan he was about 3 hours away, they had to take my appendix out. Logan go there right as they were wheeling me up to pre-op. the surgery went well and i got out the next day i missed about a week of work and i was feeling great. I started back to work and august came i was at work in the 8th and i had to go to the bathroom(not unusual) i kindof twisted and the pain i felt almost made me throw up. I wasnt sure if i could make it out of the bathroom or not. finally i got out and got back to my department i sat in a chair for about 2 min when the pain got so intense i started to throw up in the garbage it lasted about 15 min(really no exaggeration) my coworker rushed me to the er. They did emergency surgery and found that i had absesses in my abdomen. the surgeon quite counting at 37. i had infection from the appendix and it had festered for almost 3 months. the absesses had started to rupture which caused the pain. i was in the hospital for a week and had steroid injections to stimulate masons lungs and out for almost a week when i started to throw up and have contractions. i was so worried about mason but threw all of this he never faltered.
This is one of my favorite pics!!
got rushed back to the hospital and they found that 2 more absesses had returned one beind my uterus and the other blocking off my intestine. they put and tube down my nose to suck up everything that was block and many other tubes i wont mention. after some time and testing they told me my white count was more than double what it should be and that they would have to operate again. our choice was to deliver and then have surgery or they would basically have to take my uterus almost out to get to the other absess. they told us we had a few hours to decide but they were very worried that i was going to go septic (which probably would have killed me) this was about 2in the morning monday. we talked to peds and nicu and dosed very little about 5 in the moring the nurse came in with a smile and told me that my contractions had changed and i was in labor. i cant even describe the relief that went threw me. i knew our prayers had been answered and that mason would be okay.
first family pic about two weeks old
i delivered soon after to a 4 pound 7 oz boy and went in to surgery soon after. Mason was so strong every one commented on how he never faltered during the hole ordeal. as he has gotten older he has a very strong personality and is very stubborn but i cant help but know that, that is such a blessing because if he wasnt a fighter he would have never made it. He stayed in the nicu for 45 days and was released about the time he was supposed to be due. He was 7 weeks early and a tiny miracle for our family. i did end up having a 4th surgery but that just ment i could be closer to my baby(only a floor apart) When he was in the nicu they have to constantly monitor his heart lungs and such. the oxygen monitor was around his foot. every time they changed it(several times a day they would switch feet it could burn their skin) they would hold his foot to take it off and he would always raise is other so they could put it on that one, he did this without fail most of the time in the nicu. He is such a special boy every time i look at him i am sooooo grateful that he is our little boy!!
My angel!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ready to start a new chapter in our lives!

I didnt realize how long it has been since i have last blogged. I will start from the begining. At the end of july we went to salt lake to be at the hospital for sandi's second surgury. Things went well and then mason and i stayed in bl for a few days before we drove to boulder colorado. My mom had a conference down there and so my sister, aunt chris(my dad sister) and i deciced we would fly to st could miniappolis where my dad is living. he was in the hospital trying to get somthings worked out with his health. We arived in denver on a wednesday night and we didnt fly out until friday so we played in lots of parks we had a ball . on the first night it had rained so everything was wet but it didnt stop us we slid down the slide and climbed all over. It was fun we got soken wet but had a ball. Mason can climb!! He watches the bigger kids and then he does what they do! he has always wanted to but without help he will climb the ropes and everything but the stairs to get to the top. I cant belive what a big boy he is!! He is turing in a little gentlman!! Im so glad he has a great dad to look up to!!

Sorry the pic is sidways. I didnt get it turned around before i up loaded. The pic with mason holding his feet is in the car on the way home to bl and we had some high beat music going so he grabed his feet and danced it was hillarious!!

Mason and abby playing they became great buds!! Since we were right next to the mississippi we stoped and found a dock so we could dip our feet in the mississippi! (just so we could say that we did! :-)

We got to have a great visit with my dad I hadent seen him in 3 and a 1/2 years so he looked worse than i remembered. we are trying to get a plan set so he can move closer to family. He has a lot of health problems. I miss him and hope that we will soon be able to see him more offten (this we the first time my dad got to see mason other than pics)
Well during all of this i got a call from logan telling me that work was sending him to pinedale wy and that he would work as a dispacher and we would get a company vehical(no more paying for gass ya ya) and that he would be on salary!!! It is such a blessing!! He was being payed on percentage which means that he would make 22 percent of what his turck made. So now we have made the decision that we are going to move to pinedale so that we can be close! he will be able to be home ever night on his days on he will still work long days but it will be sooooooo nice to be able to be together again. We are now trying to get wraped up here in idaho fall and find a place to move to in pinedale! we are excited its funny what life throws at you. we never thougth that we would move to wyoming but it is whats best for us who would have thought. im very excited and a little nervouse now i have the chore of trying to get packed!!! thats a scarry thougth im not sure how well its going to go but here we go on to a new chapter!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

summer fun

Well we have had an interesting few weeks. We have made two trips to salt lake to help logans mom and support her. She went in to renal (kidney) failure which was caused by infection, and then we went down for her surgery to remove the kidney stones. We are so very great full for sandi she is amazing and we are so glad that she is the grandmother of our little boy. I have been able to hang out with my mom a few days in bear lake. Here is mason thinking he is very cool driving the tractor.

Playing in the swing.

Hanging in the yard.

Moing the yard with grandma.

I had planed on buying mason a pool, but i was spured into action because I found him with the hose in the back yard with his step stool upside down and the hose filling it up an then trying to stand in it. So I found a pool and he lives in it!! We go threw tons of sun screen :-)

Well that about does it. We dont have the most excititng lives but we try to make up for it in fun.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Well last weekend I got to take a trip my mom kept mason and my cousin Kim and I drove to Boulder Co to visit my sister. We had a ton of fun!! So here are a lot of pics and a little about them and my trip.

We went to a park and hiked around a trail and enjoyed the outdoors!!!

Abby is learning the accordion she let us put it on and try to play it. It was a lot of fun!
She also is learning to make her own cheese ths is a cheder cheese, it turned out a little sharp but it was really good!

We ate at the Tea House one night. The food was so very amazing I havent eaten food that good in a resteraunt ever. The building was accually built in another country and given to the city as a gift, so they moved the building. the first pic is of the celing and the second is hand carved polls.

Thanks to my amazing sister we found a trycicle for mason for 30 bucks plus a helmet and bell all encluded. We found it on craigs list. He love love loves it!!

I had such a fun time but I sure did miss my little boy. So that is all the fun news. I want to ask a favor. Logans family is going threw a hard time. We almost lost his brother in a car accident he came out of it with a broken neck and some other smaller issues. Logans mom is having some health issues and I was just going to ask that you could keep them in your prayers. Thanks and I hope all is well.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day at the Zoo

Logan was home and neither of us had been to the zoo here so we decided that we would venture out and see it. We had a great day!! We had a good laugh lots of times Mason was big into mimicking the animals. So here are a lot of pics. Logan is trying to get work back up here in idaho falls so if anyone has any good ideas let us know. Thanks !!