Sunday, July 27, 2008


Well the verdict is Rosela. Well now its amost over we know what was causing the high fevers that our little guy had. On Wednesday afternoon Mason got a fever of 102 and thursday morning we took him to the doctor where everything looked good. He kept a fever until Saturday afternoon when he sarted to brake out in a rash. Which spread from his face down his back and belly. But he is doing good a little cranky now and then. Every thing else is good we were down in BL on saturday. here is the site we found that gave us a lot of info Other than that we are doing great I love my new job!!! And life is crazy as usual.

Prickly heat or

Well poor mason has been sick the last couple of days with feever and such. then yesterday afternoon and today he got this rash. we are posting the video because logans mom is our go to mom. She has all the answers :-) Sandi thanks so much for your help!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Well we all got threw being sick and now we are getting back into the normal roll of life.

The other night logan was doing yard work and mason just could stand being away from dad so we let him ide on the lawn mower with dad. Mason was really tired and almost fell asleep but he loved snuggling with dad riding around and around!!!

They are such a cute pair!!

Logan has been wanting a horny toads (horned lizards) for a long time and his brother Ryan has been working down in UT the last couple of weeks so logan ask him to catch some for him. Sure enough he did. Ryan brought home 3 lizards on friday. they are accually cute! From the reaserch we have found their main diet is harvester ants so we have ordered some( you cant buy them in a store) so I hope that is works.

The one is big enough to have its own enclosure. He kinda runs the littler guys over. He is the one burried under the sand its hard to see how big he is.

This lizard is the middle size one. there is one more but they like to burry themselfs in the sand and so i couldnt get a pic but the third is the smallest.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our night went from family fun to a very long night.

The other night Logan was out trimming our three big pine trees in our front yard, so Mason and I sat out and watched him when Mason found a garden hose. By the end of it all Mason and I were both soked threw and threw but he had a ton of fun!! I had to pry the hose out of his hands because he was starting to turn colors.

Mason is trying to grab the air bubbles. ( he droped the hose and it is under water so air bubbles come up)

Well we had a great evening and then later in the night Logan started to throw up. And soon following our little guy did to. so we spent the night stripping sheets and all the other things that go along with it. Everyone is feeling a bit better they still have fevers but hopefully they will feel better soon.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What a couple of weeks!!

Well two weeks ago 3 of my sister-in-laws and I took the kids to Rigby lake.(shelly, amber and lennie) We had a tone of fun. I got a sun burn but luckly Mason didnt. ( I worried more about him then me)

Mason refused to sleep he figured he would just miss to much fun until Shelly rocked him and rocked him and he finaly gave in for about a 30 min nap.

Logan came home from work and he brought a blow snake. I was a very pretty snake but it was mean. He played with it in the yard and then let it go. I convinced him that if he was going to get a snake it should be a nicer snake.

Last time I posted I put a picture up of Mason pulling Logans DVD's out and I joked that he didnt like it very much, well here is Mason destroying my books that were organized. Logan sat and laughed and thought that it was really funny i didnt agree. :-)
Mason and I are playing with his new toy he like to push them down more then make them pop up.

The other news in our family is that I am going to work part time at Biolife(the plasma center here in town) With Logans new buisness we need the insurance and such. It looks like it will be a great thing for us. I am sad that I will have to leave Mason but it needs to happen. Now I just have to find some one that I can leave him with. I dont know how many of you know about Logans buisness but I will share a little about it. The name is Crystal Blue Sprigs. They know a guy who has his own sping on his ranch and he bottles his water but doesnt have time to sell and destribute it. So Logan and Scott(freind and buisness partner/boss) have gone into the water buisness. they are selling the 5 gallon jugs like cullagan but better water. So ya it looks like it will go really good it just needs a little time to build the customer base. Logan is amazing at his job in anything that he does and I want him to know how thankfull and proud I am of him he works very hard and he is an amazing devoted father and husband!!!