Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our night went from family fun to a very long night.

The other night Logan was out trimming our three big pine trees in our front yard, so Mason and I sat out and watched him when Mason found a garden hose. By the end of it all Mason and I were both soked threw and threw but he had a ton of fun!! I had to pry the hose out of his hands because he was starting to turn colors.

Mason is trying to grab the air bubbles. ( he droped the hose and it is under water so air bubbles come up)

Well we had a great evening and then later in the night Logan started to throw up. And soon following our little guy did to. so we spent the night stripping sheets and all the other things that go along with it. Everyone is feeling a bit better they still have fevers but hopefully they will feel better soon.

1 comment:

Hubers said...

I am glad that the first little bit was fun. Sorry to hear that it turned into a nasty night.. Mason is such a cutie!